What to expect

Take a Tour of the Church

We want to help make your first visit easy by giving you a preview of our space to help you feel confident in where to go, to know what’s available to you, and how best to navigate when you arrive.

Faith Filled &
Family Focused

Regardless of who you are or where you come from, Celebration Church is excited to walk with you in your faith journey. We offer deaf and hard of hearing interpreting at our 10:45 AM service.

Our hope, whether you're visiting us for the first time as our new guests or your 50th time as a part of our church family, is for you and your family would be encouraged in your faith and that special care would be given to your family. Because of where we are positioned next to the freeway, we have people from every walk of life call Celebration Church their home and we hope that you will as well. Whether its just for a season or a permanent place, we'd love to have experience what God is doing here!

Let us help you by creating an amazing experience as you check out Celebration Church!

Welcome Center

We’d love to meet you when you arrive! You can find one of our helpful hosts at our Welcome Center. There, you can ask any questions that would help you make your decision on whether Celebration Church is the place for you. We have useful resources that are available for pickup. Before you head out to enjoy the rest of your day, we’d love to get you a gift for your time. We look forward to seeing you Sundays!

Connect Lunch

Connect Lunch is for anyone wanting to get involved and learn more about Celebration Church. You will meet other families, hear from our pastors, and learn how you can build a community at Celebration Church. Connect lunches happen quarterly and will take place follow our 10:45 AM service at 12:30 PM. We have childcare available and enough food for the whole family. We can’t wait to meet you!

Tour On A Sunday

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