Milestone Moments

Throughout your faith journey, there are many milestones that you will cross. Let us help you as we cross them together!

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As a believer, you will face many defining moments. Decisions that will shape your walk with Jesus. We want to walk with you as you encounter these milestone moments. Moments to look back on that declares the goodness and faithfulness of God.

Child Dedication

Child dedication is not a communication of your perfection but a commitment, as parents or caregivers, to do your best to raise your child/ren in the ways of God.  The way they see you will largely influence the way they see God.  God's instructions are simple, love God, love others, and model this lifestyle in your family.If you are up for this, with God's help, we'd love to join you in prayer and celebration at our next child dedication!


Water Baptism

Jesus died on the cross and three days later He rose again. We may not have to die on a physical cross because Jesus already did that. Baptism is the most tangible way for us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. When we go under, it symbolizes our own burial -that we are dying to our old selves and becoming renewed or revived in Jesus when we come up out of the water. Baptism is the public declaration of an inward transformation that has already taken place. It does not grant salvation, but an act that declares that the work of Jesus has already started in a person.


Church Partnership

What we call partnership, other churches may call membership. It is a commitment between you and the church to grow in faith, extend our reach, and partner to accomplish the mission of the church. Partnership allows a member to invest in a greater way within the church. Partners are able to have a voting voice on church related things and be eligible for greater leadership roles. Partnership is not for everyone but is available to everyone. We'd love to partner with you to see God's mission be extended further and faster than we could do on our own.


Serve on a Team

The church as a body has many parts, like the human body. There are many things that the hand cannot do, but the legs can. Likewise, God has given each and every one of us a gift that corresponds with our passion and ability. We want to partner with you to see your gift used to lift up the church and our mission to make Jesus known. Whatever skills you have or passion you might find yourself wanting to pour into, we would like to help find the team best suited for you.