Local Partners

Partnering with Those Across the Street

Our strategy is to support and serve other organizations and initiatives that multiply the work of the Gospel in ways that one church could never accomplish on its own. We are proud to partner with these organizations who each specialize in various ministry areas.

Our heart is to see our community flourish as a result of thriving organizations and ministries that care for the lost, hurting, and vulnerable individuals in our city. “Partner” assumes a relationship that goes both ways. Celebration is committed to raising awareness of these important causes and providing hands and resources to carry out the work. We ask our congregation to consider getting involved with one or more local partners by volunteering, promoting, and praying on their behalf.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can serve alongside our
Local Partners, you can do so by submitting the form below.

Apply to Serve

Who Are They & How We Can Invest

Our partners serve as an extension of who we are and how we want to serve our city and community

Vineyard Community Services

What They Do

Serving individuals and families in crisis in St. Paul by meeting their basic food needs and providing opportunities for wholeness and self-sufficiency.

Volunteer Opportunities

St. Paul serve team Fridays and Saturdays, volunteer to be a packager, cart pusher, greeter, and scale/order processor. Learn more at: vcsmn.org

Union Gospel Mission

What They Do

Serving the homeless in the Twin Cities by offering food, shelter, recovery programs, education, and spiritual growth.

Volunteer Opportunities

Visit ugmtc.org

Metro Hope Ministries

What They Do

Serving men, women, and mothers with children struggling with addiction by providing a residential, Christ-centered recovery program.

Volunteer Opportunities

Haven Acres

What They Do

Serving hurting youth and their families by providing mentors and meaningful interactions with
rescued horses.

Volunteer Opportunities

Become a mentor. Volunteer to help provide support on the grounds and during events. Learn more at: havenacresmn.org

Gideons International

What They Do

Serving individuals in need of hope by distributing Bibles around the world.

Volunteer Opportunities

Prayer breakfast every Saturday morning at 7:00 AM at Perkins on 17387 Kenyon Ave., Lakeville;
become a “Friend” committed to praying & supporting the Gideons at: gideons.org

Breakthrough Ministries

What They Do

Serving the homeless in the heart of Downtown Minneapolis by providing meals and pastoral care.

Volunteer Opportunities

Amnion Pregnancy Center

What THey Do

Serving mothers by providing support and advocating for abortion alternatives that preserve the sanctity of life.

Volunteer Opportunities

Participate in the annual Bottles for Life drive hosted at Celebration Church

7 Bells

What They Do

Serving homeless, hurting, and addicted women and families by providing crisis coaching, sobriety support, community, and prayer.

Volunteer Opportunities